Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Facing the Giants

I know everyone else in America has already seen this movie, but until tonight, I hadn't. Wow. What a great movie!

I will tell you the truth. I haven't seen it before now because I thought it was a movie about football, and anyone who knows me well knows that I am not a football fan. My favorite part of going to a football game is socializing, smelling the concession stand foods (and eating them!), and just the atmosphere of excitement and fun. In fact, I've sat through a dozen or so games in the past year or so since Savannah's in the band and I can tell you honestly, between all those games, I've actually WATCHED maybe a combined total of 5 minutes of the actual game in all that time.

I tell you that to say this: If you haven't seen the movie because you don't care to watch a football themed movie, rent it anyway. It's not about football at all. Sure, that's what you see on the preview above. And that's what is on the DVD box, but it's not what the movie's about. If it was, I wouldn't have made it to the end of this movie. And I darn sure wouldn't have cried 5 or 6 times.

You see, this movie is about so much more than the football game you see in the previews. The lead coach of the Shiloh Eagles team (a Christian school) is up against some 'giants' in his life. Upon facing another losing season, infertility, a car that repeatedly breaks down, a home in need of repairs and fear that threatens to overtake him, the last straw is finding out that the parents at the school want him fired and he worries about the consequences if that occurs. When he finally allows God control of every area of his life and makes the choice to praise Him no matter what the outcome, things turn around for him. And it's not just the coach who is facing his 'giants'. There are so many other characters in the movie that make the movie what it is -- a glowing reminder of God's infinite love for us, a stark contrast to the attitude & general tone of most movies of Hollywood these days.

The acting is a little strained in parts and comes across a little cheesy at times, but overall, it's an awesome movie.

Please consider watching it if you haven't already. Not because I'm asking you to, but because no matter where you are in your walk with Christ, He has a message for you in this movie.


  1. Just so you know... Chris and I are now the only people who haven't seen it. LOL!!

  2. I have watched this movie a few times and now I can almost watch it without crying. When he gets that truck I bawled and when she finds out she is pregnant I bawled. The acting is cheesy sometimes but the store is worth it :)


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