1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while blogging?
I try NOT to snack on anything, but once in a while I will...never anything in particular though. Just whatever.
2. What is one thing you wouldn’t want to live without?
My computer! :)
3. Beach, mountains or farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?
Hmmm....on the beach, you're likely to be sweating. I don't like to sweat. Of course, I do love the beach when it's not HOT, so we'll call that one a maybe.
I grew up on a farm (sorta) so well....been there, done that.
Mountains are AWESOME. Love them! I guess I need to go with this one.
4. What’s your least favorite chore / household duty?
I'm wondering. Do some people have a most favorite chore? I'd prefer to skip all of them myself.
5. Who do people say you remind them of?
My mother or my daughter.
6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying home with the family?
HOME. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I really love to stay home & hang out w/ my family. I can only do socializing in small doses.
7. What’s your all time favorite movie?
Grease. But I also love The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Serendipity & lots of other romantic comedies.
8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night?
I will have to plead guilty to this. Because I've always had pretty decent skin, I don't have to fight breakouts & stuff all that much & I just forget to take it off many nights. I probably only remove it about 3-4 nights per week. But on the mornings after I forgot to, I have to take it off before I can put on new makeup!
9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you’ve never had a chance to learn? What is it?
I don't think I have a hidden talent. I mean I love to write, but I think most people who know me know that. Not so hidden, ya know? But I've always wanted to learn to play piano. I'll be the 45 yr old who's learning her scales & participating in the elementary piano recital! :)
10. What’s one strange thing that you’re really good at?
Gosh, that's a tough one....but after reading the response of the lady I copied this survey from, I have to agree with what she wrote about herself. I'm really good at giving birth! I loved my pregnancies & loved the labors & births. I don't use painkillers during labor/birth and really enjoyed the whole process. (Of course, I had to use anesthesia w/ Samuel's surprise C-section, but I didn't labor with anything & didn't use it for either of the girls' births.) I would love to be a doula one day, but I don't see that fitting into this season of my life.11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
He was hot. :) (He's still hot, too!) I saw him & my heart lept. We talked & I went all weak in the knees & had butterflies and the whole 9 yards. Of course, over the course of the 2 years we dated, I came to realize that I was sitting next to the most amazing human being alive. I still roll over in the morning & see him and think that. (of course, then he breathes that nasty morning breath on me & I gag, but I still love him!)
12. What is something you love to smell?
vanilla, that great smell after a spring rain, roses, cinnamon, lots of things....
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
What? I annoy people? ha ha! That just can't be! :)
Seriously, I have no idea. I'm sure I have plenty of irritating habits that bug people but no one (in recent years) has said "stop that! You're driving me crazy!", so I'm not sure. So tell me......what do I do that annoys you? :)14. When you have extra money, what’s the first thing you think to do with it?
Put it toward groceries or bills. If it's just a dollar or two, I get a Dr. Pepper or something fun for the kids.
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?
Loud, but not Leah Dickerson loud. (Those of you local will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about....love you Leah!!)16. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Depends on what I'm shopping for. Groceries & most of the day to day stuff comes from Walmart or Target. Clothes for me? I love Lane Bryant. (Yeah....you know the one....the big girl store! They have great clothes for this big girl!) tee hee
17. What’s one thing you’d do more often if you had more time?
Read, pray, write.
18. Are you a big spender or frugal?
frugal -- I have pretty simple taste.
19. Who is your favorite character of all time?
Gosh, I have no idea. Too many good ones to choose from!
20. Would you want to be famous?
Not really. Remember that whole 'homebody' question above? I think being famous might change that.
So - no epidurals??? Okay superwoman, you're stronger than I am! I thought that was the best invention EVER!