Monday, November 16, 2009

NaBloPoMo - Nov 15 & 16

Oops! I forgot to post yesterday. I've been wiped out the last couple of nights, so I guess that explains it. Ok, playing catch up here.

I was not able to doze off til somewhere near 2am Sat night/Sun morning, so church was interesting. As much as I wanted to be awake & hear everything that was said, I'm afraid I did some listening & a whole lot of squirming & fidgeting to stay awake. Sorry Ross & Larry! I really did hear bits & pieces. After church, I had Larry stop & get me some caffiene on the way to a lunch we were attending for all the preschool workers at the church. Dan & Cay are such awesome hosts. We've been guests in their home several times & every time I am just WOW'd by their gift of hospitality. Thanks again, guys! I came home & crashed after the lunch, but not for long. Larry's alarm went off about 30 minutes after I fell asleep (so that he & Samuel could leave to go hunting) and then another 1/2 hour later his phone rang & woke me up. I gave up at that point. I got up, made our menu & grocery list for the coming week and loaded up the girls & went to the grocery store. But first I stopped at my school to clean up from Friday & set up things for today. And somehow, despite all of the busyness and having gotten so little sleep, it was still nearly midnight before I fell asleep last night. yikes. Gotta get back on a regular schedule!!

Today my class at school began learning about Thanksgiving. One of my favorite activities is making a Thanksgiving trail mix. We did that today. It consists of: candy corn (to represent the corn that the Indians grew), pretzel sticks (logs used to build homes), teddy grahams (to represent the wild animals that they had to learn to protect themselves from), mini marshmallows (snow) and goldfish (they fished for food). In making the mix, we talk through the first Thanksgiving story & learn the history of the holiday briefly.

I am off all of next week -- Hallelujah!! I'm ready for a break. (Yes, I know I was off the past 2 Fridays, but I mean a longer break with no where to go & nothing specific to do for a few days!)

One last thing which falls into the "odd updates" category:
Somewhere between the time that Samuel took his 2nd grade school picture (Fall 2007) and his 3rd grade school picture (Fall 2008), he pulled a particular tooth. He had the tooth in the first pic & it was gone in the second one, but we don't remember specifically when he pulled it. Fast forward to this past summer (2009) when we started looking at the fact that the adult tooth had not come in yet. We started adding things up & realizing it had been gone for possibly as much as 19-20 months at that time. Frequently we'd run our fingers over the gum & you could feel the pointy edge of an adult tooth up there, but it wasn't through the gums yet. As school began this Fall (2009), we kept checking & watching for that tooth. Anyway, it's been gone forever & we were beginning to worry.

Well, guess what? It broke through his gums yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Hooray for the slow pokey tooth!

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