Thursday, February 11, 2010


All week, the weatherman has predicted snow for us today.

All week, most of the people around here have said "Yeah, right!". When it comes to East Texas weather, you just don't usually believe it til you see it. IF we do get snow, it's usually just a flurry that falls & melts the second it hits the ground. Some friends at work today were talking & we all decided that the last time we had any snow that actually stuck to the ground & stayed for more than 5 minutes was in 2004. It fell on Valentine's Day & it was really out of the blue. It fell & stuck for about 24 hours & then it was gone.

This morning at about 6:30 I looked out the window & was WOW'd. Snow! It was falling pretty heavily, too! It was sticking, but it was such a tiny amount that you could still see the grass all over the yard. Not exactly heavy enough to look pretty or do anything with. The kids went to school, bummed that we were not being granted a snow day.

When I pulled into a parking space at work this morning, the playground looked like this.

By the time I left work about 1:45, it was pretty much all gone. It sleeted most of the day, but didn't really accumulate. But ya know what? About 6:30 tonight, it started falling again....and now, at 9:00pm, it hasn't stopped! We've got about 2" of snow all over the yard now. The kids (and I!) are ecstatic!!! SNOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How much did yall get all together? I woke up this morning with 8 inches on the ground at my house. It is so beautiful.


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