Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My favorite blogs! (Well, at least the top 15.)

Obviously I've got QUITE a list of blogs in my righthand sidebar. Feel free to take a peek at all of them. Some of those folks post daily, others only once in a while. Some are personal friends, others are people who I stumbled upon at some point, usually through a friend's links on his/her blog. Some are blogs to chronicle the life of a cancer patient, a family with triplets or quadruplets or an adoption journey. Others are just funny! Some are inspiring & still others make me think. Although I don't watch much TV, I do spend a lot of time reading. I read books, too, but I love to read blogs & feel like I'm living life with the people who are writing. I guess, in some way, that's how I feel about the people who read my blog --- like I'm sharing life with them. What a sweet connection you guys are, my blog family so to speak.

I'm always happy to find that one of the blogs in my blogroll has a new post, but the ones below are the ones that I'll spend a few more minutes reading...making me late to wake the family up or late to leave for work or late to go pick up the kids. The ones that make me say "YES! ___ has a new post!" You'll enjoy them too!

Alyssa & I met online in the latter 90s. We were in an online moms' group together & both of us were trying to conceive 2nd children at that time. She's passed me up in that area, but even if she's got twice the number of kiddos, we still see just about everything eye to eye. And her photography skills are amazing!

Amber & I also met online....can't even really remember HOW now, but we did. I was still living in the fishbowl at the time we met (that is, living life in a ministry family) so we had that in common. Even though Larry & I aren't in vocational ministry right now, Amber & I could totally get together for a weekend slumber party and have a blast hanging out. She is a hoot and she writes a great blog full of both humor & inspiration. So glad I know you, girlie! (And I should also add that Amber created my header above! Isn't she talented??!!)

Angie is an amazing lady. Last winter, someone turned me onto her blog. Her husband was in his final months of life with a brain tumor. Her almost daily blogs told the world how he was doing. Her raw & touching posts made me feel like I was sitting at his bedside with her. Since he passed away last March, she's kept the blog going & watching her work through the grief & loss has been heartbreaking at times and incredibly honest & touching. She is the widow of Brian, mom to two precious boys and she is doing great! Her life & her heart go into every post. So glad we've become online friends.

Angie S. ..... Wow. What more can I say? Reading her blog *always* moves me, ALWAYS inspires me. I preordered her book months ago & can't wait for it to be released. I'm looking forward to that box arriving with the pretty smiley face on the side. Angie's blog began during her pregnancy with Audrey Caroline, a baby girl that received a fatal diagnosis inutero. Her words captivated the world and her transparency allowed us all to live those hard days with her. What an honor to walk through those days with her family. And yahoo....Angie's expecting again!

April's blog came to me through links that someone else posted on their blog. They were in the middle of adopting a little boy from Taiwan when I started reading. What joy to be able to watch that process unfold & to be able to "go with them" to Taiwan when they brought sweet Harrison home! Ironically, after all that time of reading & following & commenting, we found out a "small world" connection. The man who was my youth pastor throughout Junior High & High School works with her at the church where she serves as the children's ministry director!

Darcy somehow found my blog in early 2007 when we were planning our trip to California. She emailed me & offered to mail me maps of Disneyland so that the kids could start planning which rides they wanted to ride, which shows to see, etc. With her incredibly kind & generous gesture, we became fast friends. It's been 3 years since we were in California and we've talked a thousand hours via email & facebook since. Darcy & I are so very much alike it's not funny. We could live in the same town & have so much fun! Maybe one day!

Kelle's I can't even explain how much I love her blog. It started only a few weeks ago when I read her daughter's birth story. Sweet Nella was born with Down Syndrome. Kelle & her husband were unaware of this prior to the birth so it came as quite a shock when they layed baby Nella on Kelle's chest for the first time & she saw those sweet eyes for the first time. The birth story post was SO intense & SO full of emotion. Every post since then has relayed the way they've come to terms with Nella's diagnosis...and come to love that extra chromosome. So sweet!

Kate McRae is a precious 5 yr old girl who is fighting cancer. Her parents are pretty special folks. I'm so honored to follow them on the way & pray for them often.

Sweet Lisa! Lisa began attending our church somewhere during the years that Larry & I were at Rose Heights (where he was on staff). Although we did not know each other at all, we had heard each others' names through the grapevine of church friends. I found her blog first, I think. We followed each others' blogs for a long time before Larry & I ended up coming back to our (current) church home. Although we got to spend part of 1 year together at church, Lisa & her family have moved to Missouri now, so it's back to following each other via blogs. Sure will miss seeing her in person, but we'll make do! It worked for a long time before we met face to face!

Lots of Scotts and Steece's Pieces are both blogs written by the mothers of multiples. Specifically, triplets & quads. I don't know the moms at all, but I do know Ann! (She has triplets too!)

McMommy is hilarious! She says all the things that all of us moms think & feel, but don't or won't put into words. She is a brilliant writer & always cracks me up!

The Rockstar family is so fun to read about! They've got a few biological children & a whole crew of adopted children. Every post is honest & inspiring. So glad I stumbled upon this blog!

Susie is one of the world's best young moms! Two years ago I began reading her blog, shortly before she lost her 2nd child to a birth defect. His condition was fragile throughout all of his short life, but her trust in the Father's hand was what drew me back to her blog over & over. Susie has become a friend since that time. I get to live vicariously through her because she is an American living in a far away place as a missionary. Such a cool life!!


  1. *Aw Shucks* :D Liz, I can't tell you how awesome it is to know that you really do pray for us, and yet we've never laid eyes on each other. One day, I hope. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, we could have SOOOOOO much fun!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Darcy :)


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