Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Random Monday Fun!

My sweet friend Amber posted this on her blog & I thought it looked fun, so here we goooooo!!!!

1. What's your favorite time of the day, and why?
Any time that is quiet & peaceful. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my family & all the noise that erupts when they are with me. But I love some quiet solitude. I need a little of it every day to stay sane. Funny thing...when I googled peace, quiet, solitude, this is one of the images it came up with....and it's dark in this pic. Realistically, most of my quiet, peaceful, alone times are when it's dark. Either it's super early in the morning before I wake everyone up or it's late at night when they're all in bed. It fits!

2. If health wasn't an issue, what food could you live off of?
You know, I can't think of anything at this moment. Most of the time I really do like healthy stuff. Fruits, veggies, chicken, turkey, yogurt...those are my daily diet things & I love it. It's just during a few days each month that I crave everything under the sun...and lots of it! Sooooo...those days it's usually sugary, cheesy, salty, savory, heavy on the carbs sort of stuff. Stuff like this.

3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes), what would it be?
A magic know, the same one everyone else wants that makes them thinner without having to work at it. And if I'm going to get that, I may as well go ahead & win the lottery, too.

4. What's one thing that you get teased about a lot?
Well, to my knowledge, no one other than Larry & the kids tease me about anything. (And that's a good thing....I don't have thick skin, I'd just get upset & cry a lot if I was being teased.) Larry loves to joke around & tease me about being hot tempered. I'm anything BUT hot tempered, but he likes to joke that I fly off the handle & cuss all the time. Trust me, I can't even say the D word (it sounds like the big wall that holds back water) without giggling. It's just not me.

5. If you could choose one movie, book, or TV show to spend your life in, which would you pick? What type of character would you be?
I have to spend my whole life there? Can I take my husband & kids with me? Seriously, that's a hard choice.

I'm torn between being Sandy in Grease (and Larry is so totally my Danny!).....the younger version of the couple in The Notebook (their sweet romance is sooooo Larry & I!)......and the couple in Home Improvement. How's that for confusing?

6. If you could have one talent that you don't already have, what would it be?
I'd be able to play beautiful piano music.

7. If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
You know, it's really less an object of WHERE I'd go than it is how OFTEN I'd go! Because, after all, if money were no object, I could afford to vacation all the time! We'd go to the mountains, the beach, all the funny little towns with weird things like the world's largest ball of twine....we'd travel all the time!

8. If you were an awesome singer, which genre would you sing?
I'd sing contemporary Christian because it's my favorite genre!

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, what would it be?
Lane Bryant! I'd have a lot of really cute clothes!!!

Or Target because I can't seem to get out of there without a couple bags full!

Or Walmart because I'm there all the time anyway!

Hmmm.....heck, if you're going to give me a $10K shopping spree, you pick! ha ha!

10. If you could live in any point in time, when would it be?
I don't know. At different points in my life, I've convinced myself for one reason or another that this decade or that one would've been better to live in. However, as I get older I realize that there are pros & cons to every time period. So I will just stick to living right now, I guess.

11. If every outfit in your wardrobe had to be one color, what would it be?
Do I even have to tell you? What color is every question on this post? It's my favorite color!

12. If you were one of the seven dwarfs, which one would you be? (Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, or Dopey)
Does this answer your question?
13. What's the last album you listened to?
14. What's something we'd be surprised to know about you?
I have no idea. I think anyone who's read my blog for a long time knows my personality fairly well. Hmm....does the fact that my husband & I slept on top of our comforter with a quilt over us for a couple days last week surprise you? We did it because we had washed our sheets (we only have 1 set) and the days were so full that we had not put them back on the bed yet. So we just improvised for a couple days! ha ha!
Now it's your turn!! Comment & let me know if you plan to repost this on your blog!

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