Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ok, I'm curious..........

If you read this blog regularly, lurk once in a while or just accidentally stumbled onto the site, please let me know who you are. Leave a comment & say "Hi, I'm ___ from ___." or whatever!


  1. Amy (aka Martha's mom from OTA)! Love your blog!

  2. Hi! I'm Rachel, Naomi's Mom from Modesto. lol Sorry I don't comment... but I do read most of your entries. :o) Oh, and sorry I haven't had Naomi write a letter to Sarah in what... a year? Yikes!

  3. I'm Ruth from Longview and I'm a loyal reader!

  4. Hi, I'm Emily from Georgia! Regular reader de-lurking :) Great Blog!

  5. Hey, Liz! You know I read ya! :)


I LOVE comments, but I have to moderate them because I have trouble with spammers and crazies. If you do not fit either of those categories, you are probably safe to comment here.