Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer, Day 9 (Sat June 5)

What a great day!

I greeted the day with my mom & the kids and a pocket full of dollar bills. We went garage saling! I came home with a Scrabble Junior game, a set of gears with a remote control, a box of Tinker toys, a book, a CD, a movie and a skateboard for under $10. Oh yeah...gotta love a bargain!

I really had no idea that we had anything else fun planned, but Larry had a different idea. We went to a movie for the first time in months and saw Marmaduke. It was really cute! Here is a trailer for it to give you an idea of what it's about.

We got home & had supper (Meatballs in Veggie Gravy with Mashed Potatoes--yum!!) and watched an episode of House Hunters. Ahhhh....I love Saturdays!

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