Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can you help?

I know some people think it's crazy to have "online friends". But I've never been one to shy away from the "crazy" label. ha ha! I have LOTS of online friends. I met them through Facebook or by reading their blogs (and them reading mine). I met them through email groups when I joined looking for help or support for various things in my life. I've gone on to meet some of those people IRL (in real life). Those moments spent together are some of my sweetest memories. As you can see by looking at my sidebar, I read a lot of blogs. Many of those blogs are local friends or blogs written by families I'm praying for. But quite a few are distant, far away friends whose faces I've never seen in real life. I've only seen their flickering images on the computer screen. But I feel like we've known each other for a long time!

One of those blogs belongs to my sweet friend Amber. We met when I started reading her blog a couple of years ago. Seeing the title of her blog "Striving for 31" intrigued me because, as a Christian woman, I am always striving to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman. I think Amber had commented on another friend's blog (I can't remember whose!) and when I saw her blog title I was hooked. I began reading & discovering that, at the time, we had something in common. Amber's husband is a pastor. At the time I found her blog, mine was too. Outside of that detail, we only share one other common bond - Jesus - but that's enough! While our families don't look just alike and we live halfway across the continent from each other, she is one of those people that I know I would spend a lot of time with if we lived local to each other. We just "get" each other. And one of these days I'm convinced I will get to see Amber with my own eyes, face to face!

You can read more about Amber's story over on her blog, but through a series of fertility troubles, Amber can no longer carry a baby. However, her heart is not "done" being a mama. Amber and her husband have spent hours in prayer asking God to show them which route to take to add to their family and they've chosen to adopt from Belize. They have 2 little ones waiting for them and they need some help with the money end of things. They are doing all sorts of fun fundraisers, but for those of us who aren't local to them & can't participate in those events, here is a way you can help!

Go to Amber's blog by click HERE and see if you can be one of their 10. I did. I sent in my $10 and I'm asking you to do the same if you are able.

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