Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer: Day 13

Monday June 13

Today, Samuel & Savannah began working at a youth group sponsored vacation Bible school of sorts in a local park. I dropped them off at 9:00. Then Sarah & I had the day to play! We made a couple of necessary stops for errands and then hit the theater for a movie! I love one on one time with my kids!

We saw Judy Moody & the Not Bummer Summer. It was really cute!

And yeah.....I have no idea why she stuck her tongue out like that. I get that a lot lately when I try to take her picture. :::sigh::: Goofball!


  1. Dawson and Carter really want to go see that! One on ONE time is the best!

  2. What a fun thing to do:) I'm gonna try to get my roudy boys to watch that movie with me. I just love kid movies:)
    Hope you have a blessed day!


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