Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer: Days 17-19

Friday June 17
Friday was Savannah & Samuel's final day to serve with the 5 day club in the park. I loved talking to each one of them at the end of the week & hearing what their favorite moments were & what they learned. I loved seeing them grow and mature, even after just one week of serving together. I'm proud of them!

While they were at the park with the youth group, Sarah spent the day at home. We played a bunch of games together and watched TV. I love those lazy days!

Saturday June 18

On Saturday, Samuel had to take a Boy Scout swimming test. I wish I had pictures, but Larry took him to his scout leader's house to do the test (in their pool) and had to be available to possibly jump in & help Samuel if he got into trouble, so he didn't take the camera. You see, Sam had to wear tennis shoes & socks, a long sleeved button up shirt and jeans (with no holes). Once he got into the pool (deep end!) he had to tread water while disrobing & then inflate the clothing to use it as a flotation device! Don't worry--he had on his swimsuit underneath--no naked swimming allowed!! He passed! Larry said he sat on the side of the pool with his feet dangling into the water while he did it so that he could jump in and help him if he got tangled up in his clothes while he was trying to get them off....but he didn't have to get wet after all. He said Samuel did great!

While Larry & Samuel were taking the swim test, I indulged (ha ha) in my favorite Saturday hobby. Can you guess what it was? (This was taken after they got home---there's our little super swimmer in the background!)

Saturday afternoon I took the kids to CVS to buy Father's Day cards & gifts for Larry. Each of the kids picked out a card and scoured the store for something special for dad. It was pretty cute to see what each of them picked out.

Sunday June 19--Father's Day
This morning, the kids came to the bedroom before Larry & I even got up to bring his gifts to him. Savannah gave Larry a card she had made and a Diet Coke with a Reese's PB cup. Samuel gave him a 2 liter Diet Coke and a can of squirty cheese & some Ritz crackers with his card. Sarah gave him a card and 2 cans of Silly String---so that they could have a silly string fight in the front yard tonight! And boy did they!

This was before...notice their joyful smiles & their hands tucked neatly behind their backs--they were already armed & ready to start shooting the string!


and after--notice their joyful smiles, clothes covered in silly string & their empty cans! ha ha!

A few days ago, I asked Larry what he wanted for his Father's Day supper. I won't type his first request....after all, it's the same thing he requests for every gift giving holiday....and it's not food. ha ha! But after that, he got serious & told me that he wanted to grill bratwurst. So that's what we had tonight for supper.
We are very lucky folks! A couple months ago, the rent house behind our home became vacant. The tenants left behind a lot of things -- including a gas grill. We have wanted one for years so we kept our eye on this one, sitting lonely in the carport of the empty house, for several days. I finally called the homeowner & asked if we could buy it. He sold it to us WAY CHEAP! I was so thrilled to finally put the grill to use tonight! It worked great & we are tickled to have it!!! God provides in fun ways sometimes!

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