Thursday, July 28, 2011

Going private

I am strongly considering making the blog private. If you would like to continue reading, please email me (rather than leaving a comment here). I need your email address to send you an invitation to the blog.


  1. I love reading your life!

  2. You can only have 30 people I've tried that and still had people bugging me to add but couldn't because I had hit my max. Just saying is all.

    I would like to be added if there is room, and you have my email. :-D

  3. I know you don't know me but I would love to be invited to your blog. I have read your blog for awhile now and just totally enjoy it.I would of emailed u but I can't seem to find ur email. I may have just overlooked it if it is on ur blog. I know you have blessed me many times with your post. Especially the ones on money issues. I'm right there in the runt but I know I have to trust God and know he will provide for us. My email is ----Loretta


I LOVE comments, but I have to moderate them because I have trouble with spammers and crazies. If you do not fit either of those categories, you are probably safe to comment here.