Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer: Days 40-42

Sunday July 10, 2011
We went to church on Sunday as usual, attempted to take a Sunday afternoon nap and then spent a fun evening with our small group. Larry & I co-lead a small group. Unfortunately between Larry's work schedule & the co-leading couple's husband's work schedule, plus a lot of changes that the church is instilling for the small group ministry, we realized it was time for us to step down. Too much on our plates already added to too much on our plates equals too much. Our final meeting will be next month & then our group will disperse and join new groups. I hate to see our connection with these sweet couples end (in this capacity anyway!) but it's the right thing to do.

Monday July 11, 2011
It was a delightful day! I went back to the gym after a 6 week hiatus. I only did 30 minutes on the treadmill, but I kept a good speed & incline the whole time. I was pretty proud of myself for getting back on track & not just sitting at home the rest of the summer!

After showering & getting ready, the kids and I ran some errands and got the girls' hair cut. Although Sarah took off a good bit of length (about 6" off....but it was waist-length, so she still has plenty!), I'm not sure I am happy with Savannah's. We may have to go back again before school starts & have them cut some more. She's got very thin, fine hair. We got it layered a year or so ago and have kept that cut ever since, but today I stood in the kitchen looking at it & it still looks basically exactly the same as it did when we went in yesterday. She may have to lose some more length to get all the 'dead stuff' off.

Tuesday July 12, 2011
Today, my dad had neck surgery. I should've remembered to post about this yesterday so I could request some prayers for him! (Sorry dad!) This is his 5th spinal surgery by the same doc at the same hospital. He hasn't had the same surgery over & over. This time it was a fusion in his neck. The kids & I will be going up to see him in the morning. I'm praying that his recovery goes well!

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