Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday Phone Dump
I'm starting something new today. Feel free to join in over on your blog. Just use the pic above (right click & save it to your computer) and link back here.
Beginning today, every Friday I'm going to share whatever pictures I've taken the previous week, thus dumping all my phone pictures out....a Friday Phone Dump! They might be serious or silly or weird....but it'll give you a little insight into what's gone on in my world that week.
Pic #1:
This is my nametag from the preschool where I worked the last few years & returned to this summer. Sorry I had to blot out so much of it, but ya know...internet safety & all. I took this one the other day on my last day at the preschool for the summer. It'll be next summer before I wear it again. I'll miss putting it on & going to play with the kiddos, but I know I'll be back! That sure makes taking it off & going back work with the big kids at my 'regular' job a little easier. This time last summer I was getting hired there & going through some serious mourning over the 'loss' of my job at the preschool.
Pic #2:
Sarah had a job this past week. She watered plants, fed a couple of turtles & brought in the mail for some friends who were out of town. On her first day at 'work', I snapped this picture.
Pic #3:
These are brand new tennis shoes, never worn. I bought them about 2 weeks ago at Target. Savannah tried them on in the store & they fit. On Monday morning, she pulled them out of her closet to put them on & discovered that she had outgrown them. Gotta love teenaged growth spurts! (Fortunately, I found a home for them!)
Pic #4:
Sarah's friend (also named Sarah) came over to hang out this week. She had some cereal while she was here.
Pic #5, 6 and 7:
Yes, it's really that hot here. These are pics I posted to Facebook to show the temperature. They are pictures of the thermometer in my van. Nice huh? Don't you want to live here, too?
Pic #8:
My silly girls at the mall, trying on fake glasses in Claire's. How cute are they?!
Pic #9:
Gotta love it when you finally have a good hair and make up day & go to take a self-portrait in the Walmart bathroom (where they have great lighting!) only to discover later that you can't use it on Facebook for your profile pic because you snapped a pic of the feminine products machine in the background. ha ha!
ROTFL!!!! Love the caption for the last picture!!! You crack me up!