Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bags full of God's love

A few days ago, I posted about our experience with tithing. Or rather, with beginning to tithe again. God has been SO good, SO amazing, SO sweet to us. It's only October 12th so I know the month is far from over, but I'm finding my perspective changed daily.

I have been looking at things in a new light since October 1st when that tithe check went into the mailbox. It's hard to explain.

I've seen a tank of gas last me from September 29th to October 12th and recognized "there's God, giving me a widow's oil sort of blessing". (actually it would've lasted another day or so but I chose to fill up today) Honestly, I've NEVER had a single tank of gas last me 2 full weeks without running out. It doesn't make logical, mathematical sense. But that's just how God rolls.

Day in & day out, I see more things like this. A gallon of milk stretching to nearly a week's supply. (We usually go through a gallon of milk about every other day.) The last 2 rolls of toilet paper lasted farrrrr longer than usual. (I think they were growing extra sheets during the night or something!) Finding an ingredient tucked away in the back of the pantry that I forgot we had but it's there when we need it. Over & over, sweet little reminders from God that we can survive on the 90% when we give Him the 10% He requests of us. Over & over, sweet reminders from God to show us how much He loves us.

Yesterday our church secretary, who saves me her Sunday paper coupons every week, reminded me to stop by her desk & pick them up tonight when I was at the church. I told her I would. Then she said "...and when you come, pick up these sacks in the office with your name on them." I couldn't figure out what sacks she was referring to. Thinking that it might be hand me downs that a church friend had offered I texted her asking if she'd left those clothes at the church office. wasn't her. The secretary said it was bags of food!

When I was leaving the church office tonight carrying the bags, Samuel asked me what the bags were full of. I just giggled & said "God's love!" The reality is this food is from God and He used the hands of some sweet person to deliver them.

It's just another way of forcing me to bow my will to His and say with confidence....

"I trust you, God!"

I know He will cover every tithe check I write. I know He honors our obedience. I count it my privilege to point to Him & say "Look at how great my God is! Look at what He's done!"

Truly Father, you amaze me. Every day. I am breathing. I have a home. I have a healthy family. I have food on the table every day (and then some!). I have a vehicle that runs well. I have a job I enjoy. Larry has a job he loves. I have an amazing church family and a massive number of awesome friends who love me. I am blessed beyond measure.

1 comment:

  1. Just increadible. It makes me smile and praise the Lord when I read things like this.


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