Saturday, January 28, 2012

I've been a bad blogger.

I've gotten into a lull lately & have not blogged much. Admittedly, I spend a lot of time on Facebook & less time focused on writing. I share about day to day stuff over on FB, so I have a hard time remembering to write things here too. Even if it's just a little "diary of what we did today" sort of entry, I want to write more often! I love to write, whether that is something serious, something funny, or just sharing about our life the way I used to here on the blog.

So here is your challenge as a reader of my blog.

What would you like to hear about? Do you have any questions for me? Any topics you're curious about my stance on? (please, no politics. I hate those discussions, we might not agree & honestly I'm an idiot where politics is concerned, so let's not go there!) What would you like to know about my loony family or myself? Anything you've been itching to get off your chest & yell at me about? (Just kidding about that last one. I'm a big wuss. Please be nice.)

Here's what I need you to do:
  • If you clicked this link from Facebook, you can comment here or there. (Or inbox me on facebook.)
  • If you are reading this post via email, PLEASE DON'T HIT REPLY & send it to the address that pops up. That will send an email to the gmail account that I never check! If you want to reply by email, send your email to
  • If you're here at the site, comment below!
I'd love to hear your questions & will do my best to answer them all! Ready, set, go!!!!


  1. How bout this? Now that Savannah is in high school what is your stance on dating, driving and I wish I was smart enough to come up with another d word :)

  2. Great job Liz! I think it's the dreary weather that has everyone in a writer's lull :-)

  3. Confession, I have been a bad blogger as well.


I LOVE comments, but I have to moderate them because I have trouble with spammers and crazies. If you do not fit either of those categories, you are probably safe to comment here.