Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Review: I am Second

I recently agreed to read & review I am Second for booksneeze, a blogger book review program through Thomas Nelson publishers. (Click the link in my right sidebar to learn more about it.)

In reading this book, I was inspired by the many testimonies of famous people. The book tells the stories of athletes, rock stars, reality TV show participants, actors & actresses and other people who I had not previously heard of. The idea behind the I Am Second program was to involve well known people in an evangelistic tool of sorts. Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you've seen the commercials, billboards, youtube videos, etc.

The stories told of lives changed by God, turning away from drugs & alcohol and addictions of other kinds. Each story involves the "turning point" for that person where they realized that God had to come first and they had to put themself in 2nd place.

If you enjoy reading biographies & testimonies like I do, you will really enjoy this book! Also, at the end of each person's story, there are web links to visit for other stories with a similar "feel". I am looking forward to watching each of these videos!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. After I through the other ten books waiting to be read :)


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