Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break 2012---day 1

The kids & I are out of work/school for the week. Sadly, the state doesn't follow our school schedules, so Larry is still working this week.

The kids and I were productive today, and had fun just hanging out, too.

When Larry got up at 6-something this morning, I had convinced myself I'd sleep right through it. After all, he & I both layed in bed reading until about 1:30am last night! But alas, it did not happen. When he got up, it woke me up. I was able to still lay in bed & doze a little bit but by 7:30, I was wide awake. So much for sleeping late.

I got up & made homemade pancakes for breakfast. It's funny. The kids routinely have frozen pancakes from a box & when they eat them, they usually eat a stack of 3. When I make homemade pancakes, they will keep eating until I cut them off. I made 3 per kid today and then started refilling their plates 1 pancake at a time. I used up my whole batch of batter & had to make a little more so that I could eat! ha ha!

After breakfast, we all got dressed & ready for the day and headed out. I had a couple of errands to run and we needed to go feed a friend's kitty who is out of town this week.

For lunch, I filled plates with baby carrots, baby tomatoes, ranch dip for the veggies and chicken nuggets.

And then we started something crazy. That is, Savannah started her parent taught driver's education program! Eeeek! Wasn't she just watching Sesame Street last week? She had to do 2 hours worth of work today, so while she worked online I hung out nearby to answer questions while I folded laundry. I guess I was exhausted by all that because I konked out laying in the living room floor watching Tom & Jerry with the kids afterward!

About 4:00, it hit me. Supper was in the crockpot, the kids were all occupied doing one thing or another. There was really NO reason I could use to get out of going to the gym to work out. I texted my friend who lives 5 minutes away & told her to meet me at the gym in 10 minutes. We got in a workout before the 5:00 after-work crowd showed up. I knew if I didn't jump on that momentary spurt of energy while it lasted, I might not ever go to the gym this week! Trust me, I'll look for any excuse to get out of it. ha!

When I got home, I showered & then served up supper. Yummy pork roast with carrots, potatoes, onions & celery and Parker House rolls. Oh my gracious. Tasty stuff!

After watching the news & House Hunters on HGTV, Larry got home from work and we all watched an episode of Love it or List it.

Day one of Spring Break 2012 is complete. It was great!

(Ok, so technically the first day was Saturday, but I think of this week as our 'actual' Spring Break since I don't have to go to work or drive kids to school.)

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