Sunday, April 1, 2012

This one is all over the place.

It's 1am Saturday night, or technically Sunday morning. Tonight, Sarah wanted to do something cool with her mom, so we started a movie at 9:00 (past her bedtime!) and ate icecream and drank Dr. Pepper. In the living room. When Larry works late & won't be in the living room watching TV, the kids all get a kick out of sleeping in there. Savannah & Sam are at DNOW with our church, so it was just Sarah & I. And well, I know better. I can't drink caffeine that late in the evening without having it keep me up super late. But it was worth it. I love getting to do fun things like that with my kids one on one. With three of them around most of the time, one on one time is hard to come by. At the end of the night tonight, this was the view.

I am anxious to get the older 2 home tomorrow after church and see how DNOW was. I know they will be all giggly & excited to tell me about the weekend. (Either that or they'll argue & gripe & complain a lot more than usual because they're exhausted. Could go either way...)

Last night, Sarah & I went grocery shopping. She wanted to push the buggy. (Yep, we call them buggies in Texas. Not carts or trolleys or whatever other things they are called in other parts of the country/world.) I only let her do it for a little while. Why? Because I'm a control freak & need to push the buggy myself to feel like I know what we're doing & not feel completely frazzled & out of control. We all have those areas of our life that we need to control. Apparently pushing the buggy is one of those for me.

This morning, my mom picked Sarah & I up at 8:15 and we went to about a dozen (or more?) garage sales. Although the treasure hunting didn't turn up many treasures, it was fun. Here's what I got.

This is for Savannah. She's been babysitting for over a year now, but I figured she'd enjoy this. We had hoped for her to attend the Red Cross's babysitting class before she started doing it, but we never could find a time that we had the money for her to do it. She's got it down & does a great job now, but I figure she'll still like the book.

The title of this one cracked me up. I'm looking forward to reading it!

But I will probably try to read these first. Yes, I know I'm way late to the party, but I kept trying to figure out whether or not I wanted to read them. I'm not at all into vampires & other fantasy stuff and that's what these books contain, but I keep hearing that if you're a hopeless romantic & like a good love story, you'll like these. So today I bit the bullet & drank the Twilight koolaid. They were 50 cents each. If I hate them, I can always list them on!

We love to play games as a family, so I'm always looking for them at garage sales. This one sounded fun.

Savannah is our resident puzzle girl. She will enjoy this.

And one more game for us!

This coming week is going to be great! It's a 4 day week for the kids and I. Next weekend is Easter (which I love for lots of reasons---traditions, remembering the resurrection, yummy food, etc!). I'm looking forward to only working four days this week!

And because I enjoy the silly Friday Five questions, here are this week's questions & answers. Feel free to answer them yourself over on your blog. Let me know if you do!

1.What giveaway would you like to do on your blog?
Any kind of giveaway, really. I like getting products, testing and reviewing them & then having a spare to give away to a blog reader! But I have no idea how to get in with companies to get items for giveaways. Anyone know?

2. If you had to choose between natural artistic ability and natural athletic ability, which would it be?
Artistic. I don't think I'll ever be athletic & that's alright.

3. Do you ditch the coat the minute it becomes "spring" or are you a holdout for more cool temps?
I kind of ditch the coat mid-winter. Living in this part of Texas, we don't have a whole lot of coat weather anyway. This year we seem to have missed winter completely. I think there were only 5-6 days that we dropped below 32 degrees. And it's already reaching 90 on some days, so I think our "winter" is officially over. We will still have a handful of chilly days here & there before I am ready to go through the hassle of bringing in all the kids off-season clothing boxes, but that da is coming soon!

4. What would you do if you won the mega millions lotto of 1/2 billion dollars?
In no particular order:
1. Pay off this house & buy something a little bigger (not HUGE, but a tad larger than what we have now)
2. Pay off Samuel's orthodontist
3. Pay off our debts (student loan, vehicles, a few medical bills...we don't have much, but paying them off would make a difference in our monthly bills!)
4. Get a tummy tuck/liposuction
5. New vehicle for Larry (his truck is nearing its last leg)
6. We'd give a big chunk to family to help them and to a few mission/ministry groups we support.
.....and I'm not sure what we'd do with the rest---probably invest/save it.

5. You are at a hotel by yourself...what do you do?
Bubble bath, read, SLEEP


  1. I don't let any of my kids push the "shopping cart" (VA term) either. If I have to get a second cart, I default to the oldest kid there. I can't walk through the store without cart control!

  2. Only one more week of no Facebook. It has been good for me but I really hate all that I have missed while away. Thank goodness for your blog! I read the "doublewide" book. I had plans to compare and contrast the prosperity gospel with the poverty gospel (or maybe "social" gospel). I read this book and enjoyed her insights-didn't agree with all of them, but when do we ever agree with everything someone says. Don't recall it being something to go back to again-no like Tozer or C.S Lewis, but it was a quick read. I bough used books by Osteen and his wife, just to get a clear understanding of what he preaches, but haven't had time to read them yet. The book descriptions kind of make me sick to my stomach though. :) LOVED the Twilight books. Wish I hadn't given mine to goodwill-I would have sent them to you. They are a very quick read, good love story and not extremely violent. I never did read Anne Rice's books, vampires are really not my thing. One thought that ran through my head as I read them was...I wish I could love Christ like she loves Edward-willing to give up my life for Him. Have your kids (or you) read the Hunger Games. I am avoiding it because it just does not appeal to me, but my oldest son has read the first one and really enjoyed it. Wonder if I should be concerned. Hope all is well-did you hear Stacy and family is moving back to Plano?


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