Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adoption DVD Giveaway!

As most of you know, Larry & I have three biological children.  In 2002, we began to feel led to adoption.  We spent most of the next three years talking about it, praying about it, listening to adoption stories of other people, searching adoption websites and just waiting for God to show us the next step in our journey.

We talked to a case worker with the state, feeling like a domestic adoption through CPS would be our best choice.  We got all the paperwork to begin the process and filled it all out, but felt led to hold onto it for a while.  It just didn't seem like the timing was right.  And so we waited.  We had no idea why or what exactly we were waiting for.  During that time, God continued to nurture our hearts, planting us in the right places at the right times to hear the message of adoption over and over again.  I can't tell you how many times I turned on the radio and heard Focus on the Family doing a series on adoption.  Or how I just "happened" to find TV shows with an adoption theme.  Or how many blogs I stumbled onto that were the adoption stories of families I have never met.  In stores and restaurants around town, we seemed to constantly be surrounded by adoptive families.  We weren't searching out these things---they just seemed to always fall in our laps.

In February 2006, through circumstances we never imagined, we took custody of our niece and nephew.  I started this blog to share our adoption story and update friends and long-distance family of how things were going in our growing family's world.  Those posts are all still here in the archives.  Unfortunately, in March 2007, things changed and our niece & nephew went to live elsewhere.  But that's a story for another time.

While things did not work out, Larry and I know, without a doubt, that God prepared our hearts all those years before the kids came to live with us, for adoption.  He showed us His redemptive plan for our lives, and in turn, His plan for the kids' lives.  We know that we were chosen by His hand to be parents to those two children for exactly the season they were in our home.  While we don't always understand the reasons for things in our lives, we believe God ordained from the moment of conception that we would be A&K's parents for those thirteen months.  It was a season of pain, of great joy, of memories, of investing in their lives and learning so much!

In the Fall of 2006, one of my sisters and her husband began their own foster/adopt journey.  Within two years, their family grew by 2.  In 2011, my other sister and her husband began to walk the same road and since then, they have added 3 children to their family as well.  Countless friends have fostered or adopted (or both!) in the past several years.  It goes without saying that adoption is near and dear to my heart!

And so, a couple weeks ago when I was presented with the opportunity to do this DVD GIVEAWAY, I jumped at the chance!

Kirk and Heidi Weimer began their family much like many adoptive families.  Kirk wanted 2 kids.  Heidi wanted 4.  They compromised and had 3.  When their youngest was about a year old, God nudged them about adoption.  After a mission trip to Ethiopia, they knew this was where God was leading them.  Two siblings group adoptions later, the Weimer home is now full of laughter & craziness --- a total of nine kids!  They never dreamed that their family would turn out this way, but their sweet story, presented on the DVD "We Have Room" is powerful and fun to watch.

I have TWO copies of the DVD to give away.  I would love to see them go to families who are considering adoption, families who have already adopted, families who are praying for & supporting friends who are adopting, or perhaps churches with an adoption ministry (this would be a great video to show at get togethers for the families in your church!)

To win a copy of this DVD, follow these guidelines.
Each of these methods = 1 entry.  (If you do all 3, you get 3 entries to the drawing!)

1.  Leave a comment.  (If your comment is not connected to blogspot account where I can find your email address on your profile, leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!)
2.  Post about this giveaway on your blog.  Leave me the link to your blog so I can find your post.
3.  Post about this giveaway on twitter or facebook.  Link me to those posts as well.

The winner will be selected using a random number generator online.  I will contact the winner to get your mailing address.  Drawing ends Monday, April 22nd in the evening hours, Texas time!

FYI:  This DVD is presented from a Christian faith viewpoint.  If this is offensive to you, you may not want to enter this giveaway.


  1. We are think about adopting. Love you Liz! :)

  2. If we don't win I at least want to borrow your copy! ;)

  3. OH, I want to see that. Thanks for the chance,

  4. My family is so blessed by adoption! :)


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