Okay, so it's time to catch up. I realized the other day that I haven't posted anything in almost a month. So much has happened since then. Let's see if I can fill in the gaps for all four of the people who actually read this.
As I mentioned in the last post, we lost my father in law on May 26. It was a very difficult ten days before his death. He went into kidney and heart failure, then liver failure ...and then slowly slipped away. He spent six days in a local ICU before he moved to hospice. God bless all the hospice workers of the world. That has to be one of the most rewarding and emotionally draining jobs in the world. The people who cared for my father in law were precious. We will be forever grateful. Larry performed his funeral service a few days after he passed away. It was hard for him, but he loved being the one to honor his dad. I just think it was wonderful and really brave. Gosh I love the man God gave me!
A few days later, Savannah did this.
I know. I'm still reeling. I made it through the ceremony with only 2 tissues. I really figured it would take many more, but somehow I pulled it together. I still can't believe that she's done with high school... but at the same time, I can. She was born for this time of succeeding and learning independence. I look at her regularly and smile as I think "Wow. I made that." She is really an incredible, awesome kid. So proud of her!
Samuel left for Yellowstone with his grandparents the day after they got out of school. He had a ball. Most of his pictures looked about this enthusiastic. Sigh. He is 14. I have to keep reminding myself that he will smile for pictures again, one day.
The week that Sam returned from his trip, we had a couple of big moments.
I interviewed for a new job.
I didn't get it, but a good friend did, so it's all good! I really wasn't dying to change jobs but I would love to get back into the local school district. I was born & raised here and my kids are in school here...and we live here. Saving money on gas would be awesome! However, I am content and happy in the job where I am so I will gladly return there this fall unless God drops something incredible and unexpected in my lap.
Savannah has started a new job. After almost two years in food service at Chick Fil A, she was 'done'. God bless the fried chicken patty and waffle fries that kept her employed and bought her first car and paid for her insurance and phone bill since October of 2012, but she was ready to move on and get out from behind a fast food counter.
She is now working in a doctor's office doing filing and other office tasks. We know the office manager and she has offered to keep Savannah busy long-term. She will be able to work there through the next couple of years while she attends our local junior college (they will flex around her school schedule) and it is only a few miles from the college, so it will make life easy for her. She was on information overload the first few days, but she's settled in nicely now and is enjoying the job.
Speaking of school.........
Savannah attended freshmen orientation this past week. She hated it. A friend reminded me tonight that most people hate freshmen orientation. No one enjoys being forced to play cheesy ice-breaker games with strangers and learn chants and cheers in the Texas heat. Ha ha! She made it through and registered for her fall classes. Now we just have to get her financial aid (Pell Grant!) complete so we can get her books purchased. We thought it was done until Friday when they announced that we had 1 more step to do. Yikes!
Samuel has been attending a training camp (think workout boot camp) since he returned from Yellowstone with my parents. I can't even imagine ENJOYING working out from 7 AM to 9 AM Monday through Thursday during the summer when I could be SLEEPING, but my crazy boy is loving it! The school district offers the training camp to keep the athletes in shape through the summer so they'll be ready to jump back into the weight room and gym in August.
Sarah and I have been going to a park in the next town over doing some local ministry with the youth group. We've done this every summer for the past several years and I love it! I love mission trips and I think they are life-changing and awesome, but I also love local relationship-building ministry. We've been hanging out at a park most of our youth kids would never visit otherwise, playing with the kids, making crafts, just being there to be their friends. It's been wonderful to see some of the same faces, week after week. I've been at the craft table each week, doing different things with the kids (our youth kids & the ones who come to the park to hang out.)
A pic from face-painting week:
This morning I beat the socks off this kid, over & over, at Connect Four. When he finally beat me after several rounds I thought he was going to grin til his face popped. So fun!
Samuel has joined us the past couple of weeks after his training camp. Today he played with the kids a lot with this sling shot & foamy balls that they soak in water before they launch.
This weekend, my sisters and I threw my parents a 50th anniversary party. It turned out really well! In this day & age, fifty years with one spouse is practically unheard of. This is my sisters, my parents and me at the party. You'll have to excuse the fact that when I get flustered or busy, my face & head sweat like crazy and my bangs had long since gone flat and plastered themselves to my forehead. Oh yeah...beauty queen material. ha ha!
Between staying busy with driving the kids places and going to my father in law's house to work (we're cleaning, sorting, donating...) and trying to find 5 minutes to rest here and there, things at the house have gotten a little backed up.
I figure I can start a shoe store in the kitchen by this weekend. We're always looking for little odd jobs to supplement the family's income.
And perhaps we can start boarding travelers on this bed I've crafted from piles of clean clothes. I wonder if they'd mind toaster waffles for breakfast?
Honestly, every time it is like this I tell myself I'm not ever going to let it get this bad again. But I've pretty much decided that it's time to find a white flag and start waving it like crazy. Maybe one day when the kids are all grown and out of the house I'll have time to be good at keeping up the laundry. {'Til then, I've got some built-in slave labor in the form of those three munchkins that I birthed. Guess who folded these clothes???}
I never got a chance to post about our May date, so here's the quick version.
{I figured I should quickly share about the date since Larry and I are going on our June date this coming Friday!}
I guess that about sums up my past few weeks. God bless & if you actually made it to this point, go have a cookie. Or a scone if you're drinking tea. Maybe a biscotti (or however you spell that!) with your coffee?
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