Friday, July 7, 2006

July 3-6

It's been a busy week, so I will try to quickly recap!

Monday July 3 -- Larry's mom, my mother in law, and the kids' "Mammy" came to Tyler.  We had a counseling appointment, so she met us there & got to meet Ms. Lisa (the counselor).  It was fun to spend that time with her.  I'm excited that she's moved closer & we will get to spend more time with her now.

The counselor said that Andrew is having trouble identifying anger in himself, so we're working with a little tool she gave us to recognize it now.  So far this week, there have been several moments when he was madder than a bull & when I would point it out to him & say "Andrew, are you angry?", he says no.  Silly boy....he doesn't look at losing his temper, screaming & slapping as "angry".  Hmm...what would you call it?

Also on Monday we had a little problem to deal with.  In hanging the cabinets in the new utility area, Larry shot a nail into a water line.  We didn't realize it til about 30 minutes later when we found a puddle in the floor!  We had to quickly take the cabinets back down, cut a spot out of the drywall & repair the water line before we could move forward.  Luckily it's all hidden by the cabinet over the washing machine, so no one will ever know!!  Whew!

Tuesday July 4 --  Independance Day!  :)  A friend from church came over & layed our flooring for us in the new bathroom/closet/utility area.  It looks really nice!  We cooked burgers on the grill for him while he was here & had watermelon.  Yum.  It was a nice 4th of July lunch, even if we didn't have a big party going.  Thank you, James, for doing the floors for us!!  You did a great job!

That evening, we went to a big fireworks display that we attend every year.  It was really funny to hear Andrew talk "big" this would be so boring because he's seen big fireworks before.....and then to watch his jaw drop open & see the fascination in his face as he watched the fireworks in awe.  :)  He may have seen big fireworks before, but he was clearly still amazed by them.  I bet that's probably what God likes to see in all of us!  He hears us talk big about all the things we know how to do....and then watches us daze out in awe of HIM when He accomplishes some big work in our lives.

Kourtney, on the other hand, in her typical "I'm so bored" style fell asleep in my lap 20 minutes into it.  LOL!  I tell takes a lot to impress this kiddo.  She is so joyful & bubbly 95% of the time that I can't complain though.  She's just not impressed with big gestures to excite her.  A 200 ft. slip & slide?  No thanks, I'll just go down with my arms & legs crossed, rolling my eyes.  Huge fireworks that amaze everyone else?  Nope...I'll take a nap instead.  She's a hoot!

Wednesday July 5 --  I can't really remember anything that stands out for I'll move on.

Thursday July 6  --  The bathroom is done!  Aside from some touching up of paint, installation of the countertop (which should come Mon or Tues) & decorating, we're done!  It's fully functional now.  YAHOO!!!!

1 comment:

  1.   Ain't it great to be a "2 holer?"   Grandma


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