Saturday, July 8, 2006

Sat July 8

What a long, busy day....but a good one.

Things started out a little weird for me.  When I woke up this morning, I was very dizzy.  I couldn't sit up in bed without having the room spin, so I decided to lay back down!  At 9:00 when my sister brought Savannah home (she had spent the night w/ them last night), I jumped up & ran to the front door to let them in...bad idea.  The whole kitchen & living room were spinning then! soon as my sis left, I went back to bed again.  Not sure what happened with all of that, but it was nearly noon before I could get up & move around without feeling like I was going to fall over.  I made lunch for everyone, ate it & then we all had naptime!  (Yes, I know...weird...sleep off & on til noon, then take a nap!  LOL!  I guess I must've needed it, though.  I was able to lay down & fall asleep pretty easily!)

About 11:30, Larry left & took Andrew and Kourtney to Palestine to visit their dad & our family there.  They also went to see Kelly's grave.  Kourtney had forgotten to take a Mother's Day picture the last time, so she took that today & left it on the grave for her mom.

Back at home, Savannah showed Samuel how to use his email address & showed him a few online games (pbskids, disneychannel,, etc).  He thought it was really neat to send me an email.  I guess I've got another little computer kid growing up here.  So far, all of them love to play on the computer.  Savannah's been getting online off & on since she was in the 2nd grade I think.  She has a whole favorites list & everything.  (Of course, she's got some pretty hefty parental controls set up too!)  Andrew is beginning to get interested in some online games, too, so he's getting on now & then.  The younger 3 like to play CD-Rom games, though, so they're all on the computer at least a few times per week.

When the kids got home & got ready for bed, I went to tuck everyone in.  I asked Kourtney how things were with her dad today.  She just giggles & grins & acts all bubbly.  I guess that means "good".  :)  When I asked her if she went to her mama's grave, she enthusiastically said "She has her stone now!"  (the headstone).  Yes, she does, sweetie.  What does it say on it?  She didn't know, but tackled me to the ground hugging on me, so I guess she had a good day.  :)

Andrew asked me (as usual) if I'd snuggle for a while before he went to bed.  At first I said no (it was late), but he said "But I haven't seen you all day!  I need to snuggle!".  Umm...what decent mommy could turn that down?  :)  I climbed into bed & snuggled for a while!

Savannah had a tough morning.  I guess she was tired & just needed some attention.  She snuggled a lot this morning & then wanted some extra cuddling tonight, too.  She is pretty jealous of the extra snuggling Andrew's been getting at bedtime, so I'm trying to make sure to balance that out with snuggling & cuddle time during the day for her.

Another big step forward today---Samuel & Sarah both took showers by themself tonight!  They've both done it a time or two in the past, but both seem to be headed toward being able to do it regularly now.  Yahoo!  It'll be nice when I don't have to sit on the hard bathroom floor & bathe children.  :)  Don't get me wrong...I love 'em, but getting my shirt & hair wet, sitting on my knees in a puddle just isn't my favorite way to spend time with the kids.  LOL!

This afternoon, I was listening to a CD of love songs from the 80's. about some memories!  Loved it!  The kids all thought the songs were really weird.  :)  Nothing like a little "Eternal Flame" & REO Speedwagon to gag your children.  ha ha!

I'm listening to Paul Baloche's "Your Name" right now.  Awesome song!  The chorus says:  Your name, Is a strong & mighty tower.  Your name, is a shelter like no other.  Your name, let the nations sing it louder, 'cause nothing has the power to save But your name!

I adore pretty much everything Paul Baloche has ever done, though, so it's not a big surprise that I love this song.  He's an awesome man of God with a great talent for worshipful music.

I guess that pretty much sums up our week.  Thank you, Lord, for giving us another week together.  One day closer to seeing Your face....

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