Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Monday-doctor visits & Tues Jan 9

Savannah saw the ENT--she's fine & was released to go back to full speed.  Yippee!

Andrew's (very long!) visit with the eye doc went well.  They dilated his eyes---that was a fun wrestling match (eyeroll), but after that, things went well.  The doctor & I have a very good rapport after all of Savannah's years in his care, so he was able to speak in code, so to speak (in front of Andrew), and let me know that basically Andrew's vision problems are all in his head.  He kept asking me later "Why don't I get to get glasses?".  When I told him that the eye doctor said his eyes were fine, he sort of sighed like he was resigned to that fact & then he let it go.  He hasn't mentioned it again.  The funny thing is, after Savannah came home from having her tonsils removed, his throat was suddenly sore....and he kept bringing me the flashlight to check his tonsils.  Hmm...looks like we have a hypochondriac in the house.  :)

Thank you to all of you who wrote to tell me you'd pray for Coco today.  She did well.  My mom came by in the middle of the day & gave Coco her medicine (yes, the dog is taking medicine!) and checked on her for us.  She said she was fine when she came over.  When we got home this afternoon, she was sitting in the yard on a baseball glove, just basking in the sun....but she sure was happy to see us come home!  I'm so pleased with how she did.  I think we're going to go ahead & start putting her out every day (on the chain for now) & let her spend the days out in the yard & then bring her in when the kids get home and keep her in at night.  Eventually we'll go to leaving her out 24 hours a day.  Maybe doing this slowly will make it easier for her.  Thanks again for praying for the dog!  :)

The pic above was taken tonight (Tues).  I went to tuck in the boys tonight & they asked me to go get the camera b/c they wanted to take a "group" picture (the three of us).  I got it & they planned the pose.  This is what they came up with.  Isn't that the cutest thing ever?  Sorry that the angle is kinda weird---hard to hold the camera & get into the shot myself!

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