Sunday, January 7, 2007

Sun PM update

This morning went well.  Everyone seemed comfortable.  The installation service went well.  We were sad to hear the announcement that our sweet Worship Pastor & his wife are leaving.  They have been called to a church in Alabama.  We sure will miss them, but certainly understand the calling on their lives.  God bless ya, guys!

Tomorrow morning, Savannah has her post-op visit w/ the ENT's nurse.  I'm sure that will go fine since she isn't really having any problems.  She's still sore & her ears are sensitive to noise, but other than that, she's fine.

Then tomorrow afternoon Andrew will go to the eye doctor.  He failed the school's vision screening, so he's going to see our beloved Dr. Hunter.  He's the doc who repaired Savannah's birth defect, and we've seen him at least annually ever since.  We really love him & can't wait to introduce him to a new member of the family.  Andrew will have his eyes dilated & the whole 9 yards, so we'll be there a while.  I'm anxious to see if he needs glasses.  If so, we'll go ahead & go pick them out right away & get them made asap.  Most of our family (actually, on both sides!) are near sighted, so it won't be a big surprise if he does need glasses.

God shared a few special scriptures with me today.  I've started a new book called 'Angel Behind the Rocking Chair'.  These were in this book.  The book is a compilation of "God stories"---you know, instances where cool things happen that can only be explained by saying "it's a God thing".  The author has a child with Down's Syndrome & she has experienced a plethora of "God stories" since his birth.  Anyway...onto the scriptures that hit me hard today:

He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.  Job 23:10

He existed before everything else began, and He holds all creation together.  Colossians 1:17

I will answer them before they even call to me.  While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead & answer their prayers.  Isaiah 65:24

When you go through deep waters and great troubles, I will be with you.  Isaiah 43:2

I hope they spoke to you, too.

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