Last night, I used the kids' dyed eggs to make my (very first ever) Devilled Eggs....and may I say that they turned out VERY tasty. We'll have them with lunch & supper today.
After making the eggs, I packed up the kids' baskets. This is what they looked like.
Sarah and Samuel looked so sweet in their Easter outfits. (anything look familiar, Suzanne?)
I got them to pose was definately POSED. ha ha! I can almost see the stiffness in Sarah's shoulders as she tries to pull away from her brother.
And then I told them to just act natural. I think they did!!! ha ha!!!!!!
I'll post about the egg hunt, Resurrection eggs, Bible story & Easter books time later. Off to hang with the family.........
oh......and I took Savannah to the doctor while everyone else was in church this morning. Sure enough, she's got strep throat again.
Reminds me of when my sister and i were little...such fun :)