Saturday, March 22, 2008

'Twas the night before Easter....

Today has been such a pretty day outside.  Larry spent most of the morning/early afternoon working in the yard--mowing, weedeating, blowing & raking some leaves.  The kids & I joined in here and there, but we were inside the majority of the time doing other things.

After lunch, we dyed eggs.

Note Savannah's lack of enthusiasm....this is a favorite thing of hers.  She loves holiday traditions.  Hmm....she woke up saying that she felt bad & has complained of a sore throat off & on today.

Look at all the pretty eggs they made.  These are Savannah's.  Even with feeling a little "off", I was proud that she held true to her "real meaning of Easter" eggs. of them anyway.  She was just fascinated with the clear wax crayon that came w/ the egg dying kit, so she put stripes on the blue one.

Samuel made these.  I think that's a smiley face?  (upside down)

And these are Sarah's.  You may not be able to see in this pic, but the green one says Jesus.  It's cool to see that my kiddos can combine fun stuff with the true meaning of the holiday.

We had quiet time for a while & then supper.  After we all ate, we sat down to make the Resurrection Rolls.  That's when I noticed Savannah's glowing cheeks & red eyes.  Uh oh.  Sure enough...102.1 fever!  :::sigh:::  It appears that our annual sick-kid-on-Easter tradition will continue this year.  Ugh....looks like I'll be taking 2 kids to church in the morning & then bringing the other one back home.  She's been complaining of a sore throat, so I figure it's strep throat...again.  If she's still running fever in the morning, I will take her to DirectCare after I take the others to church.  Larry can bring them home from church afterward.  Oh well...maybe I can get them all into their pretty Easter clothes later & get a picture then.

So anyway, we made the Resurrection Rolls.  All the supplies are ready....

....and now all the marshmallows are rolled inside the dough....

....and after they were cooked, they looked like this:

If you'd like to hear the whole story of these & why we make them, feel free to email me.  They are an awesome visual lesson for the kids to understand the Ressurection of Jesus Christ, our whole reason for celebrating Easter.

Looking forward to tomorrow....


  1. Praying that Savannah is feeling much much better this morning.. I know you really want to be at church this morning.

    I hated dying Easter eggs and I am so glad that my kids are bigger.. Our little ones in the family will be hunting the plastic eggs I bought after  They do the coloring of their eggs though.

  2. I remember doing this as a child. It was something we all looked forward to, dying of the eggs. My mum, sister and I loved to set that Saturday afternoon to dye the eggs while mummie told us the Holy Story. And while we don't do eggs these days, I still love looking at them.


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