Friday, October 24, 2008

Dolores update

I got this email this morning.
So sorrry, but you aren't the Liz Reeves I know. I
guess she changed her email address, or I missed a letter or something.
Its amazing that you actually live in Texas as vast as the internet is. I
live in Beaumont, Texas.
Sorry to bother you.
Dolores --------

I find it hard to believe that another Liz Reeves (who is also from Texas, no less) has an email address similar enough to mine that someone could miss 1 letter and think they were sending it to the right person. I mean really...what are the odds in a state as huge as Texas!? And why was my email in her address book anyway? I've had this email address for about 10 years now, so the whole thing is weird weird weird.

Oh well. The world is weird, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

1 comment:

  1. That is bizarre but at least you know who this person is and she isn't a crazy person!


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