Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've got the sweetest baby ever!

A couple of weeks ago, Sarah got in the van after school telling me about something she'd made that day. Apparently her teacher pointed out how sweet it was & told her to tell me about it. Today she got to bring home the sweet artwork & I was reminded again of how precious & tender my sweet daughter's little heart is!

The project was to draw a picture & write a sentence about "if I could travel anywhere...". I think you can click each of these pictures to get a bigger one, but just in case it doesn't work, I'm including a caption under each picture that says what she wrote.

"If I could travel anywhere" (with her name written in the middle so that it looks like it says 'if I could Sarah travel anywhere'...tee hee)

"If I could travel to a new place, I would travel to all of the hospitals and pray with the people in the hospitals. 10-13-08 Sarah"

How sweet is it that my 2nd grader would come up with this all by herself?

God has got big plans for this little lady, I guarantee it!


  1. Awwww! You know why? Because that's what her sweet daddy and mommy do. I've seen it myself :)

  2. That is heart warming, Love it!

  3. And it brings tears to this Grandma's eyes. So sweet and tender. Makes me want to wrap her in a coocoon so she doensn't have to deal with the cruel, tough world. Sounds like we have a mercy person with a prayer warrior's spirit in the making. I sure am proud of her.


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