Blaise Pascal once said "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart
of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by
God, the Creator, made known through Jesus."
As hokey as it may sound, I am finding that more and more true lately.
Don't get me wrong. I've always known I need Jesus. I've never given in to the idea that anything else in life -- money, jobs, relationships, etc -- can fill that thirst. At least not intellectually anyway. I can recognize the need for Christ and my deficiency without His presence daily in my mind. I can see how only He can fill the gaps & satisfy my soul. But having been adrift without a steady church home for the last 3/4 of a year, I see it more & more every day.
Don't be mistaken. I am not saying that finding a church would fill the God-sized hole in my heart. I am not mixing up the two. Church does not equal God. Going to a place where I hang out with people who believe similarly to myself, being taught, singing songs....that is not the same thing as my personal relationship with God. It does not equate to personal study of Scripture or daily prayer or filling my mind with music that uplifts me and points me toward Him.
But it sure does help.
Long ago, a wise friend told me "We are not meant to live a Lone Ranger life as Christians." meaning that we are not meant to do things alone. We need community. We need relationships. We need counsel and accountability. While I am totally an introvert, I can't agree more that we DO need Godly people in our lives. We need people who love us and care about us in the good stuff and the hard, yucky parts of life. We need to belong and feel like we're a part of something.
But lately, I am not feeling like I'm a part of much. I have felt a big, gaping, painful hole where I feel lost and tossed by the wind. And I suppose on some level I've recognized that and have begun filling that part of me with other stuff. With events. With people. With social issues, social media, books, movies, TV shows. I see people living their lives with all this "stuff" crammed into their lives all the time and they seem happy enough. Some are Christians, some are not. But I'm realizing more and more that I simply can't live this way. And it's my own fault that I've packed my heart full of other stuff. This is not who I am. I miss being in Bible study and having talks with friends about faith and how it impacts daily life. I miss ministry and serving. I miss feeling like I am surrounded by family every Sunday while I close my eyes & feel the presence of the Holy Spirit envelop me. I miss worship on such a deep level I can't even put it into words. I am aching for His closeness every day. And while the lack of a church home has certainly impacted all of this, my own depravity and tendency to wander has not helped my case.
I was listening to Hillsong today on youtube (THIS video to be specific) and I was overcome with His presence in my bedroom while I was folding laundry. Click the the lyrics in the video's description. Desperate for you...drench my soul....I hunger and thirst....Like a rushing wind, Jesus breathe within...Like a mighty storm, stir my soul. Oh sweet Jesus, I needed these words today. I need them every day.
Oh Father, help me to see when I am filling up this God-sized hole with anything else. Help me to seek your face more fervently. Help me to fill my free time with worship and praise and gratitude. Help me focus. Help me search for YOU in every minute. Let my life bring you glory and honor. I love you.
11 years ago