Can you believe this? Today Samuel got in the car at school carrying (yes, you guessed it...) a fundraiser form!!!!! They want him to sell candles while the girls sell cookie dough and discount cards! Good grief. You'd think the schools would at least stagger them so that I don't have three kids ALL selling something at one time! Geez.....
11 years ago
oh my gosh..too funny!
Oh... Ihave had all 4 kids selling more than one thing for more than one group at the same time....last year Ethan :elementary school and Boy Scouts, Jenna : her class and her "team", Terina : her grade and chorus , Nicole: Senior stuff and class stuff...
yup...8 fundraisers at the same time....
our school doen't do fundraisers like that. they ask for donations at the begining, it seems to really work
Yep, I hate it when they do that. That's why we just don't participate in all of them. I used to try to do them all, but you can only hit people up so many times. Ugh. I try to do one per kid per year. And I try to help other people's kids too, just cuz I know how hard it is. Michael's cookie dough form came home on the FIRST day of school!
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