This has been a tough week for me. I've been on somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster most of the week from one thing or another. Wednesday was when Larry took me out b/c I needed a break in the worst way. On Thursday I got a letter from G (A&K's dad) that really upset me & took until late tonight for me to get over. Gosh....I'm tellin' ya......this is hard!
There are moments when the difficultly makes me want to throw up my hands & say "forget it...this is too hard", but I know I could never actually do that! I love these kids too much & know that no one else would fight as hard to take care of them. It's costing us an arm & a leg and is emotionally very difficult, but it's sooo worth it.
This week, A has really grown into the "big brother" role. Seeing him grow in tenderness & gentleness for the little girls is so sweet. I've seen him give hugs, offer help with boo-boo's, replace dropped pieces of cake w/ his own piece to soothe the tears....what a sweetpea! He & Savannah have had some really sweet moments of cooperation & kindness, too! Maybe we're finally making some headway there!!
Friday was G's arreignment (sp?) for the criminal case. He pled not guilty. Larry said a friend of his from the D.A.'s office plans to work on a plea bargain with him this week. Hopefully this will all be over & done with soon.
Next Monday (31st) is our finalization hearing for the custody case. It'll be nice to put that behind us, too! (Not to mention the lawyer bills!!) As of July 31st, the kids will officially have new guardians. G will still be their dad---we're not terminating his parental rights--- but his rights will be restricted until he gets out of prison & fulfills some things regarding his probation/parole stipulations. July 31st is also G's birthday. He will be 35 that day.
Hugs & kisses to everyone! Drop me an email & let me know how you are, too!
11 years ago
1 comment:
Liz....Psalm 107:28-31
28 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
and he brought them out of their distress.
29 He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 They were glad when it grew calm,
and he guided them to their desired haven.
31 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for men
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