Whew. The morning's done & now we can move onto the weekend. :)
Savannah saw the orthodontist and is now looking all Spring-y in her pink & green rubber bands. Very cute!
We went to 2 stores & found new church shoes for Samuel & Sarah in between the 2 doc appointments. It was a quick trip to Target & Payless, but we pulled it off & still made it to the 2nd appointment on time.
You may've already seen this on Facebook. If so, just disregard this.
We saw the ENT today. Samuel is scheduled for surgery on Wed April 29th. He's having another set of tubes put in & his adenoids removed.
Our insurance (through the church) only runs through the end of April, so we're covered through the 30th! Talk about cutting it close! We're really glad we moved the date of his appointment w/ the ENT up! This was his ONLY open spot in the surgery schedule til mid-May and I suspect it would've been taken already if we'd waited til the 21st {the original appointment date} to schedule things! Thank you, Lord, for working out the details!!
The surgery is on Wednesday so I'm planning on Samuel & I taking off the rest of that week from work/school. Of course, if he feels great the next day, we'll get back to life sooner. I guess we'll see!
Now........onto Easter weekend!
11 years ago
Hi..i was going to friend you on facebook but i cant find you??
Just do a search for Liz Reeves.
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