June is nearly over already & I can hardly swallow that fact. The month has been so busy, so full of things, that it has made for a very fast-moving last 21 days. Between the girls' trip to Colorado with my parents, Samuel's week at Boy Scout camp in Arkansas, his upcoming week at church camp, and my working at the preschool, it seems like there has been something on the schedule nearly every day! While I love that we've all had things to do (rather than just sitting around, watching TV and snacking all summer!), at the same time I think we may have to schedule some of those lazy days in if we ever intend to have any of them this summer!
This week's events:
*We had our first swim of the summer thanks to some friends who were away from home & let us come sneak into their backyard to enjoy their pool. (Thank you Windy!)
*Samuel had a chance to go work at the church again to help out the Family Ministries pastor and to help pay his way to camp. He is really enjoying the hard work, which is a tad ironic considering the constant condition of his bedroom. (Can you say tornado? Bomb? Hurricane Sam?) Fortunately he'll be leaving for camp next week....which means his bedroom will be unmanned, leaving a chance for this mama to go in & do some serious trashbag time. I'm willing to bet that he won't even realize I threw things away while he was gone.
*Remember the clarinet I mentioned last week? We met with the band director last Friday morning & he approved it! Hooray! We will have to take it in & get some new pads put on it, but that's still way cheaper than having to buy a whole new horn!
*The kids & I enjoyed a half-price milkshake at Sonic this week on Wednesday. They offered the discount for 1 day only (Summer Solstice) so we took them up on the offer. Their hot fudge shake is really yummy, just in case you wondered.
*In preparation for Samuel attending church camp next week, he & I sat down and started packing his things on Wednesday. Tomorrow we will go to Walmart to purchase the last couple of things he needs to take. He is excited about the trip, except for the fact that I am "forcing him" to buy & pack a few pairs of shorts. My crazy boy is such a silly goose. He'd prefer to wear jeans year-round, including in this insane Texas summer heat of 100+ degrees with 90% humidity. Goofball! I'm just praying that he will actually WEAR the shorts a few times while he's there. I hope his bright white legs don't blind anyone when he's rock climbing.
*Sarah & I finished up our final week of the 1st summer session at the preschool. (She's my helper this summer & I am soooooooo glad she's there! I am not sure how anyone has a classroom full of kiddos this age without a 2nd set of hands. God bless you, sweet girl!) We have had a lot of fun getting to know the children in the room. Next week the 2nd summer session will begin. We are losing one of our sweet babies and gaining 2 new little friends. It's always a little difficult to add a new child into the classroom once you've spent a month getting the rest of the kids used to your routine, schedule, rules, etc. so adding 2 new ones will be extra crazy. Prayers for a smooth day on Tuesday would be greatly appreciated! I'm sure we'll figure it out, but it may be a little nutty for a few days til we get our new little friends acclimated to the order of our days.
*Today, Larry celebrated 1 month at his new job. While I can't say exactly what it is he does publicly here on the blog, I can say that he's not a spy, he's not an undercover agent, he's not a private eye and he's not working for the CIA. But what he IS doing is sort of a combination of all those things. Intrigued? You can email me privately for more info if you really care.
*This week I celebrated 5 months at the newspaper. For those of you who don't know or don't remember, I took on a little side job in January writing a column for our local newspaper. Many of the articles I share in my column are editted versions of things I've written here on the blog. I've written some "fresh" articles for the paper, too, but I love having this blog to pull things from when I remember an old post that seems fitting for the newspaper. Due to the newspaper website showing very clearly where I live, I am choosing not to share the link to my columns here on the blog for safety, but if I know you personally and you'd like to read my columns online, email me & I will share that link with you.
I'm sure there are a few other things we've done this week, but at the moment, I'm drawing a blank so I'm going to close with this picture. I took it today at the preschool with one of my little sweeties! Seriously folks, is it any wonder that I love my summer job at the preschool? Could it get any sweeter? I hope you can see the JOY in my face. You can't wipe that grin off my face when I am there!

Have a great weekend!
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