Tuesday, February 26, 2008

an update on my sick kidlet :)

Larry stayed home with Savannah today & watched over her.  He said all day long, all she ate was a banana.  He kept trying to convince her to let him take her somewhere for lunch, but she wasn't interested.  She has no appetite.  She did eat a little supper though, so that's good.  She's coughing a lot & still running a low grade temp every time the Motrin wears off, so she's still feeling puny.  I'm going to stay home with her tomorrow.  Maybe someday we'll get everyone well all at the same time!

On a sweeter note, my sweet "A" came to school today!  She only stayed til we went to the playground, but she did great!  Mama dropped her off at the drive thru & the director carried her in--no wheelchair!  She did great!!!  I was so glad to have her there!  I think we're going to try it all day on Thursday!  WooHoo!  Way to go Miss "A"!  (& if you're not sure what I'm talking about, check my archives for last week where I posted about a student of mine at school)

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