Saturday, June 27, 2009

Book Review: The Wackiest Wildest Weirdest Animals in the World by Jack Hanna

Yesterday the UPS man dropped off a package on my front porch. I was excited to tear into it & find this book. The shiny, colorful hardback was well received by my whole family. We were all anxious to read through the book and watch the DVD of bloopers from Jack Hanna's wildlife TV show. Neither the book or the DVD left us disappointed!

Each double page spread includes vivid, crisp pictures of a different animal and all sorts of interesting information about it. Did you know that a sloth only poops once a week? Did you know that a baboon's bright red bottom is actually a thick callous (read: seat-cushion!) and not bare skin? Did you know that a hyena "laughs" when it's afraid...and that is a warning signal to RUN! I bet you didn't know that a platypus is venomous! These were some of my kids' favorite details.

The DVD was about 20 minutes long and included vintage clips from the show's early years as well as more recent ones. It was very funny to watch.

All in all, I was quite pleased with this book! I am a Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger. You can find out more about that here:

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